At PPDC we offer exams through COMDANCE C.S.T.D. (Commonwealth Society of Teacher's of Dance).
Exams on offer include:
Modern Jazz
Classical Ballet
Musical Theatre
Hip Hop

COMDANCE IS A GLOBAL DANCE COMMUNITY established in 1933. Its early goal was to bring the enjoyment of all types of dance to people at a time when only ballroom dancing and ballet were formally taught. Today, COMDANCE is one of the world’s great international dance societies with thousands of dancers, teachers and studios in 16 countries.
Exams are not compulsory, but your child may gain many benefits from completing dance exams in our various genres.
It is harder to work towards something when you can't see the big picture. We work more diligently when we have a clear goal in mind and this goes for children and adults. When students have a reward or result to work towards, they tend to try their best and practice more independently. Exams aren't meant to be easy and it is possible to fail (Miss Janine would not put a child into an exam that is not ready). The exam room can be an emotional and physically demanding environment that pushes your child to perform which is in no way a bad thing.
Exams offer a SAFE environment to perform under pressure in front of someone your child has never met. Students' confidence naturally improves, as does their trust in their abilities.
In the process of exam preparation your child learns to:
Work hard towards a goal
Believe in themselves
Perform under pressure
Take in constructive feedback
Execute strong technique and expression
Experience enjoyment in an encouraging and empowering environment